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Sum of Two Numbers Through Value Change Listener In ADF

In this article we will perform simple mathematical calculation 1+1 = 2 in ADF through value change listener. So lets start step by step. 

Step 1 :

First you need to create Value Change Listener on Field where you want to perform an action.

Step 2 :

Your ValueChangeListener has been created with the name of perBatchConsVCLstnr. Then you need to do the code for bean under this method.


    public void perBatchConsVCLstnr(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {


        BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();

        OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("perBatchConsVCLstnrBind");




Step 3:

Now come to the AppModuleImpl.java and write the code as per you requirement


    public void perBatchConsVCLstnrBind(){

        double perBatchConsumption = 0, totalConsumption = 0, perBatchQuantity = 0;

        ViewObject chemRecDetVO = this.getChemiRecipiDetailVO1();

        try {

            perBatchConsumption = Double.parseDouble(chemRecDetVO.getCurrentRow()



        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {

            // TODO: Add catch code



        try {

            perBatchQuantity = Double.parseDouble(chemRecDetVO.getCurrentRow()



        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {

            // TODO: Add catch code



        totalConsumption = perBatchConsumption * perBatchQuantity;



Step 4:

 Now Add Method (perBatchConsVCLstnrBind) in AM

Step 5:

After Add Method into AM, you also need to add into ADF Page(where you are performing your calculation)

Step 6:

Finally run the application and look the action on field when you change it

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