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How to Create Taskflow in Oracle ADF

Now in this article we move on third step which is ADF Task flow. Task flow is basically to control your application activities between pages. There are 2 types of Task flow.
  • Bounded Task Flow
  • Unbounded Task Flow
Bounded Task Flow:
Bounded Task Flow has a single entry point but multiple exit points. It restrict to create Methods (create, delete, doDML functionality), links etc.

Unbounded Task Flow:
Usually we are creating Unbounded Task Flow, and the reason is Fusion application always use Unbounded Task Flow. We create multiple Entry points and Exit Points as well as create Session, Parameters to show data for the specific user.
In Previous two articles we covered below step steps
  1. Create Fusion Web Application. 
  2. Create Database Connection and Create EO (Entity Object), VO (View Object) and AM (Application Module) 
  3. How to create Task Flow in ADF
After creating the Step No 2, you will see the ADF will automatically create the Unbounded Task Flow. Here we are using Unbounded Task Flow and will also show you how itself ADF create Method, links etc. 

3) Create Task Flow in ADF
  • Double click to open adfc-config (Unbounded Task Flow). 

  • You will see on the right side, there is Component Palette. Here we are creating 2 different pages. Search Page and Create Page that's why we drag View Component 2 times. Search for first one and Create for second one

  • Control Flow Case is a navigation which control your application activites from one page to another. Drag and drop Control Flow Case and join them. In this picture the arrow show from left side to right side. It means that user can move from search page to create page and lable will be Go_to Create.

  • Drag and drop again for Create to Search. It means that user can also move back from create page to search page and label will be Back_to_Search

Now your Task Flow has been completed for you simple ADF Application, you can create alot of pages (through View and Control Flow Case), it is depend on your application. Turn to Point No 4. If you have any query regarding this article you can ask me / comment below.

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